Team Unicorn

Rails Girls Summer of Code 2013 Blog

2 Days in 1

We didn’t post during the last 2 days so here you have our reason and also what we had been doing…

On Tuesday, Victoria went to The Hague with Floor Drees to see where the Rails Girls The Hague will take place. It is a great place! and the event will rock in September! Hester was working hard to have spare time on Wednesday to continue coding.

On Wednesday, we continued coding (from 10am to 5pm), subscribed to Code School to do all courses. Yes, we love those zombies after all! What we learn is that Ruby on Rails can be very funny if you have the chance to code with a friend and that time flies when you do it!

Today more coding and more lessons will come, what will we learn? Still a mystery… stay tuned!

Oh! also Rails Girls Groningen and Rails Girls Eindhoven events are on the table for the next months! :)